The Texas Education Agency

The Commissioner of the Texas Education Agency recently published a letter and policy to the Governor and Texas School Boards clearly laying “the legal responsibility of the purchase, review and choosing of library books on the Board of Trustees.” The Commissioner forwarded the policy that among other criteria (1) instructed that each book be age appropriate, (2) acquisitions and policy making shall involve parents, (3) include regular evaluation and removal of pervasively vulgar collections, (4) included maximizing transparency to families.

STATEWIDE STANDARDS – Policy Regarding Library ContentSTATEWIDE STANDARDS – TEA Policy EFB Library Materials


Lake Travis Independent School District

We the People do not believe that the LTISD Board is upholding its responsibilities in this regard. Please use this page to educate yourself on this issue. It is important that parents understand the age inappropriate conditions of our library materials and see how pervasive vulgar collections which are not being spotlighted are not being removed. Our hope is that you as parents and taxpayers that you will join in the fight to hear the voices of involved parents and demand swift action by our school Board.

Board of TrusteesFebruary 15, 2023 Board Meeting

Review the Current LTISD Book List Spotlighted by Parents


List includes campus location and links to sample text.


Book Bills for 2023 State Legislature Advocacy

Books Prohibited

Content Ratings (not supported fully)

Parental Consent

Parental Consent (Democrat bill – Last session and probably this session Public Ed chair)

Book Vendor Compliance

Parental Right to View Books


Additional Resources

STATEWIDE STANDARDS – TEA Policy Regarding Library Content

STATEWIDE STANDARDS – TEA Policy EFB Library Materials


Call to Action!

At the February 2023 LTISD School Board meeting, Book Policy was placed on the agenda for discussion. Parents made the Trustees aware that: (1) leading school districts offered their guidance, (2) parents were willing to volunteer, and (3) additional vulgar text was exposed.

We the People desire to educate the public and express urgency in updating the policy. No deadlines were provided by the Trustees to the Administration. We want to communicate urgency and expectations. Please consider the following steps after review of the sample texts and videos to voice your opinion.

  1. Call the school district Superintendent Paul Norton at 512-533-6020
  2. Email the LTISD Trustees at
  3. Share this information
  4. Attend the next Board meeting to speak on this issue on March 22, 2023 at 607 RR620 North no later than 6pm.  New faces and voices make a strong impact!!