LTISD Update
On June 3rd there was a special budget meeting.
- Projecting a $4M deficit. (This is after LTISD cut the tax rate last year in order to persuade voters to vote for the bond and convince us the bond was NOT a tax increase)
- At a 94.5 attendance, there was a discussion to increase attendance as a way of increasing the money for the budget because the state pays for attendance.
- The District projects no increase in class size.
- Lots of discussion about a recapture (Robinhood) initiative. There is no way of knowing where the money really goes. They resent it. Called the ‘hidden state tax’. Feeling of mistrust of state government. (The Republican party added a plank to the platform this year to audit Robinhood in an effort to hold the state government accountable.)
- A mention of mobilizing parents in some way to support a meeting at the capital about funding that should be increased for education.
- Custodial staff referred to as ‘those people’ who cannot afford to live in the area.
- 1% raise for teachers, starting teacher $57,000.
- Dr. Davis wanted a 2% raise to make sure we can keep our teachers. Most employees live out of district because of the cost of living in Lake Travis. After much discussion a proposal was written to go ahead with 1% raise but if they get more money from the state, they would go up to 2 % possibly in a split raise. (We are for raising teacher pay, but not administrative pay.)
- Adding Additional Instructional coaches next year.
- Adding guidance and other counselors.
- Adding more safety personnel.
- Adding Safety Coordinator position.
- Fewer substitutes next year.
***In addition, LTISD has hired a forensic accountant to specifically investigate allegations of misappropriation of funds alleged in recent open record requests. This is great news!