Local pastor Randy Phillips with Life Family is talking politics with seven churches in Central Texas and thousands of parishioners.

Please support Brave pastors who are willing to say it out loud! More to come this Sunday! Watch the video below of the first message from his House of Cards Series. 🙏

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. God will not hold us guiltless.”

In a concerted effort to spread the message of Eric Metaxas’s “A Letter to the American Church,” We the People | Lake Travis is reaching out to local pastors in the greater Lake Travis area, inviting them to engage with this critical text. The organization is donating copies of the book to encourage church leaders to reflect on their role in advocating for truth and justice within the community. By promoting this resource, We the People Lake Travis aims to inspire pastors to demonstrate bravery in their teachings and to challenge their congregations to actively participate in addressing the pressing issues of our time. This initiative not only fosters dialogue among church leaders but also empowers them to lead their congregations in a courageous stand for moral integrity and social responsibility.

“A Letter to the American Church,” authored by Eric Metaxas, serves as a poignant call to action for American Christians, urging them to reflect on their role in society and the church’s responsibility in the face of moral and political challenges. Metaxas draws parallels between contemporary issues and historical events, particularly focusing on the rise of totalitarianism and the silence of the church during critical moments in history. He emphasizes the importance of speaking out against injustice and not remaining passive in the face of societal decay.

Throughout the letter, Metaxas encourages Christians to reclaim their voice and actively engage in the public square. He highlights the necessity of moral courage, reminding readers that history has often shown the devastating consequences of indifference. By citing examples from history, he illustrates how a complacent church can contribute to the erosion of freedom and truth.

Metaxas also addresses the complexities of modern life, including the challenges posed by secularism and cultural shifts. He advocates for a bold faith that stands firm against societal pressures, urging believers to be informed and involved. The letter serves as both a warning and an encouragement, motivating Christians to uphold their values and contribute positively to society.

In conclusion, “A Letter to the American Church” is a clarion call for revival and responsibility. Metaxas’s passionate plea encourages Christians to take a stand for their beliefs, fostering a church that is vibrant, engaged, and unwavering in the face of challenges. His message resonates with the urgency of the times, emphasizing that faith must be lived out actively in both personal and public spheres.

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